Digital Marketing

and Social Media Internship with

July 2022 - October 2022

During my time at Storm Smart I was in the marketing department and the go to for digital creations from almost every department. Some of my job duties consisted of Ad creation, Website Updates, Copywriting, Photography, Logo Creation and Social Media Management.

Social Media

As a Social Media Intern I curated, created, scheduled, published and promoted unique content with meaningful and relevant messaging consistent with brand voice and audience on social platforms. I provided quality customer service and hospitality by engaging with customers and prospects through inbox messages and responses to comments. I assisted in building and executing social strategy, including capturing and posting relevant daily stories, updating the community on current hurricane activity and needed information and resources due to Hurricane Ian. I also implemented a focus for social platforms trends.

I attended job sites, warehouse shifts, company trainings and events as needed to gather content for social media.






The FGCU Navigator

2022-2023 Edition

The FGCU Navigation is a career magazine for current and recently graduated Florida Gulf Coast University students.

The main objective of this Ad piece was to entice students and new graduates to consider checking out our job openings and remember Storm Smart for future possible endeavors.

This was a project that the marketing department had a prior vision for and I was given full control to make it come alive.

I scheduled the photoshoot and chose employees to be in it, took the photos while on a forklift 30 feet up in the air (yes I was terrified), edited about 8 photos into one, finished the rest of the ad, got approval and handled all communication with The FGCU Navigator contact for the submission on behalf of Storm Smart.

The Best of the Best

The Best of the Best is a yearly community voted decision on who is the best company for numerous categories. I was given the photo wanted to be used in our ad that went in a special edition newspaper print. I designed and created the copy for this ad. I created two identical versions one addressed to the Naples community and the other to the Fort Myers community.

The Home Mag (Lee/Collier, Sarasota/Manatee, Charlotte, Home Improved, Palm Beach, and Treasure Coast Editions) and Best Home Book

This advertisement went out to homes across both sides of South Florida with the intended theme of focusing on lifestyle as an added bonus of hurricane protection. Storm Smart's target demographic is people who can generally write a check with the full amount when signing a contract.

The goal, as a company, is to expand across the whole gulf coast in the coming years and with that in mind marketing to a variety of demographics is important. Under my suggestion, we created two version of this ad. One highlighted financing options and were sent out to corresponding areas. I photographed and edited the bottom three photos and designed the entire ad including copy.


In the most recent round of commercials since Hurricane Ian, my photography was used in them. 90% of the photos in the ad below were orchestrated, taken, and edited by me as a part of my internship. This commercial was put together by the marketing agency Storm Smart uses.


New Layout and Icons

One of the first matters of business in my internship was reestablishing the home page of the Storm Smart website. The marketing agency Storm Smart uses had already made icons that the entire 4 person website team, including me, disliked. I was tasked to try to create what they had originally envisioned and what sits below is what I created. We then tweaked what the executive team member wanted for copy underneath each icon.

From left to right: Happy Customers, Time Tested, Purpose Driven, Custom Designed, Turnkey Solutions, and Smart Systems.

Blog Articles

I was tasked with creating a consistent blog schedule for the website. Once I scheduled all the previous blog posts topics already written, I came up with new ideas and facilitated getting them written, uploaded with tags and photos, scheduled to post, and boosted on social media. The three blog posts below are examples of blogs I specifically wrote, edited, got approved, and created or sourced cover photos for.

How to Prepare for a Hurricane Power Outage

The idea behind this topic was to prepare Storm Smart's customers and the general public in case of a power outage due to a hurricane. Unfortunately the information became pertinent a few weeks after it was posted due to Hurricane Ian's direct hit to the SWFL area.

The Hurricane You Probably Never Knew About

One of my ideas for the blog posts was to have historical storms highlighted on their anniversary date when possible. This storm is one I found interesting because it was not publicly well known because of how long ago it occurred.

September 10th: The Day an Atlantic Hurricane Will Most Likely Happen

This article was written to create a sense of urgency to get prepared for hurricane season even though there was not one named storm in the Atlantic the whole season up until that point.

Logo Creation

Simply Smart : The All-Weather Screen

I created multiple options for the Simply Smart logo based on the vision of a 10+ person committee included all the executives and certain department heads.

I presented them and took the feedback to revise the logo options. Below is the approved version for the companies new product line.

Other Creations

Prize Voucher

This is a price voucher I created for the Health and Wellness Fair lottery. The winner was presented with this as their prize.


I designed this logo for Storm Smart's 1st Annual Health and Wellness Fair. The company loved it so much they wanted it on T-shirts to give out at the fair. This photo is the first time I saw something I created for a company on a real tangible item.

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